O, Brother
Dedicated to one who came and left before my time.
We were robbed of time
to figure out the mechanics
of our dynamic.
I never knew you existed,
until slippery tongues
told the story.
He wasn’t ready.
I couldn’t process.
I pawed at my imagination,
trying to piece together genetics,
trying to place a face.
At ten,
I assumed,
“Maybe he’d look like dad.”
“Maybe he’s artsy like mom.”
“Maybe we’d play video games together.”
“Would he tease me for sucking at math?”
Though partially faceless,
I found secret comfort.
We never forgot you.
We never forgot you.
Dad holds you in his heart.
Though worn,
and missing letters,
He’s kept your announcement cup for decades.
Our higher selves reside with Mom —
So sayeth the gifted mind.
My human form forever aches for you.
We never had our sibling time.
How can you love,
and miss someone
you’ve never met?
Unspoken, yet simple.
I never have the proper words.
Can only spin Chi-Town scenarios.
Of all the things I’ve wanted in life
It’s time.
Time on the town,
with you.
nestled at home,
with you.
Anything —
Even rivalry —
With you.
-With love, your little sister.