TikTok, STOP!

My rant about certain TikToks that may or may not induce panic in like-minded individuals such as myself.

Veronica Williams
6 min readApr 21, 2023

Allow me to get right to the point, quickly: I’m tired of TikTok shoving specific posts on my fyp about love, finances, and “do it now or lose it” demands. I am sick of it. I’m tired of feeling like if I do not interact, re-blog, or claim it that it won’t be mine. If you’re on the app long enough, you know the exact ones. It’s not a good feeling, and it feels more like some kind of wigged out test that’ll completely ruin your life if you fail. Now that you’ve done/not done the work, are you waiting for the world to fall apart?

I believe in the metaphysical. I do believe in the power of crystals, manifestations, and essentially going for what you want above the usual human methods. I also embrace gifted people — they’ve been right about a lot of things. What I cannot stand are the hacks. I’m getting a hack vibe with every post on my fyp semi-threatening me, and there’s a sharp contrast between helpful and harmful content. Do you just want views, or are you really here to help people?

Now, at my big age, yes there should be a lot more cynicism and avoidance. Let’s just say that sometimes the world closes in on me. My job is going through this super dry period that’s taking a huge jab at my income. My child-birthing years faded in my late 20s, and I had no idea until it was too late. My love life is always somewhere between nonexistent and on fire, and I’m starting to see the wrinkles and gray hairs I so foolishly vowed would never show up. Sometimes, I panic because I’m not where I’m “supposed” to be. It’s the kind of honest unhappiness that plagues me sometimes. Some of it cannot be fixed overnight, and it seems like it will take several lifetimes to get it all right. I want a little hope, but let’s keep it organic and realistic.

Outside of my usual promenades in the yard with cigarettes and woes in tow, I chant and hold my crystals. I write poetry and try to talk to people (whom I trust) willing to listen. I don’t like to dump the whole world on people. I keep a lot of it to myself. I find myself lost in the digital world, often. This is where those damn TikToks come in.

During the early years of COVID, I fed into a lot of those posts. I did the work: re-blogged, re-used sounds, shared and blew cinnamon all over. A few of them did hit — it was super cool when the universe turned over in my favor. The advice and the rituals that hit didn’t come from that place of “do it or all will fall apart”. These folks said to me “do it and things will change. Stay positive. Be aware.” The contrast wasn’t fear-mongering. It was more like a realistic chat with a friend. I felt comfortable and safe. I didn’t mind giving them views because their energy pulled me in. The vibes…as the kids say..were not off.

Gooooood vibes.

I try to shift my fyp in a way that touches all my interests. I didn’t want to see politics all the time. I definitely didn’t want any Conservative or Far Right voices. I wanted to see pets, comedy, hobbies, activism, hair stuff, fashion, video games, and plus sized divas. I wanted to see LGBTQIA content. I wanted small businesses and anime stuff. I wanted to see my fandoms and Black content creators. I wanted nostalgia and quirky kinks. It’s silly, but I did indeed work hard to shape it to be entertained. I wanted to discover a world that showed me a different way of life. I wanted comfort!

I pretty much got what I wanted. I also wanted to see some metaphysical stuff. Crystals, chants, astrology stuff, just the kind of spirituality broken down in a way that made it a bit more accessible. I think that’s where it got tricky, because the algorithm pretty much said “here ya go”, and threw me to a lot of users who’re good at using popular keywords, visuals, and sounds to seem legit. The ones with the “save the date” content, the ones that say “pay attention to this time”, or tell you to favorite for later. Ahh yes, the TikToks that promise the moon, stars, and endless galaxies of happiness — so as long as you follow their rules and “notice there are no hashtags”. Those are not destiny, that’s just really good algorithm manipulation. So that manifestation you’re going for? Fake.

You could also argue that most of the metaphysical world is fake. The crystals, the manifestations, the rituals. I mean…if you think it’s fake, that’s on you. My days of debating that are behind me. How then, can you tell when somebody is posting one of these TikToks just for views? I’m not going to lie to you and push some kind of test based on discernment or inner spirituality. From an outsider’s standpoint, you can’t. If you’re looking for a certain kind of hope, those videos talking about the love/money/man/thing is coming seem like a beacon of hope.

Who doesn’t want things to work out in a world where everything can suddenly catch fire? I would love to throw a check in Sallie Mae’s face right now. I would love to pay off Ambetter. I would love to write a 70k check to The Department of Education. Hell, I’d love to write a check to my alma mater and finish school. If we’re being honest here — if some fine hunk of blerd man was at my door right now, with slushies and anime in hand, and endless hours of teachable skills, I would be overjoyed.

Life ain’t always slushies and binge sessions. Sometimes, it sucks. Sometimes it sucks and it’s trying to teach you something. While I treasure the moments when everything works out, I have to be real with myself. Waking up and stepping away from those videos, there’s a lot of work to do.

This is why I want to see far less of those videos. Giving false hope to people who’re already down and vulnerable is awful. I know somewhere, somebody is super strong and above all of this — and good for them — but for the rest of us not-always-strong people, false glimmers of hope whilst trying to work life out ain’t exactly helpful. I scroll away from that which does not vibe within.

I don’t have to interact or be in a rush based on anyone’s so-called hope. I don’t want my past to call me. If something or someone great is coming, then it was meant for me. The universe already had it set up, and it’s my time to get it. Granted I have done a ritual or two, it was still money meant for me. It just came sooner than expected — survey payouts, loving donations, book sales — ain’t nothin’ wrong with that!

Snap, snap!

To those fake videos, I say take it outside. Later for you, get outta my fyp. You give false hope for views you don’t deserve. You get replies claiming good energy when you’re putting out a lot of nothing. You’re in the way of my cats, comedy, and cuisine TikToks. You’re just another piece of crap in the pile of nonsense livestreams and low-tier posts. I’m tired of you, and I look forward to reshaping my fyp’s algorithm to get rid of you, completely.

About the authoress: Veronica is a native Chicagoan who currently lives in a small Tennesee town. She dabbles in poetry writing, basic tie dying, and novice macro photography. [Contact Page]



Veronica Williams
Veronica Williams

Written by Veronica Williams

Aspiring writer and poet who self-publishes and makes the great literary ancients weep and weep.

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